For a few years I made a 5 hour trip between NY and PA multiple times a month. After repeating the same route many times the landscape became monotonous and boring, a static vista with nothing more to contemplate. What I did see and appreciate was the ever-changing and fleeting cloud formations. The sky produced variations of light, color, and form that were unique on every trip, I never saw the same sky twice. It was around this same time that I began working in gum bichromate, a multi-layer photo process that, even with the most precise workflow, produces prints with variations of tone and color. The more I worked in gum the more clear it became that I must let go of my expectation of control and precision and learn to embrace the unexpected. Through the use of multi-layer printing, overlapping images and changes in pigment I expose the subtle variations and the uniqueness of the sky from one moment to the next.